Companies specifically specialized in development of software for meteorological applications are treated in this section.

For data display and forecasting there are many suppliers WSI Weather Services International, Seaspace International, Kavouras, MORCOM, Atmospheric and Environmental Research, Netsys International, Microstep HBO , Info-Electronics IBL Software Engineering , MapMakers The Republic Group, I&SI and VCS Nachrichtentechnik.

Manufactures of "message switches" for aerological use: Global Weather Dynamics, Netsys International, The Republic Group, Corobor and I&SI.

Software for pollution modeling: General Sciences Corporation.

One company was found that develops special software for supplying information to the public: Microstep.

If you have a large network of stations and wish to keep yourself organized: Software for the administration and quality assurance of large networks: Augustyn and Company.

Meteorological software for linking stations to the internet: